Since Dune 3 is fully compatible with Dune 2, it still contains its default settings, which doubles the size of the job library to 1,000 fixes. It is based on the award-winning Dune 2 synthesizer, which adds frequently requested options and innovative ideas to build the best dune expertise ever! dune 3 includes several new patches created by professional sound designers. The ProTools version is only available in 64-bit versions. The VST / AU version is available in 32 and 64 bit versions.

New oscillators, new filters, new effects and graphic envelopes are just a few of the new additions.With a maximum reserve of 8320 full polyphony oscillators, DUNE 2 is a real monster in unison that will probably never run out of oscillators. is available as a VST / AU / AAX plugin for Windows and Mac OS X. Synapse Dune 2 Mac Crack has been completely rewritten to achieve even higher sound quality and an even wider range of sounds.