Mustika Lukman Arief, SE.,MBA.,MM.INTRODUCTION OF ECONOMICSNEED UNLIMITEDRESOURCES LIMITEDWHAT IS ECONOMICS ?Economics is the study of the ways that individual and societies allocate their limited resources to try to satisfy their unlimited needsKEY WORD :NEED UNLIMITEDRESOURCES LIMITEDOutlineIntroducing Mikro EkonomiPermintaan & PenawaranElastisitas Permintaan & PenawaranTeori Tingkah Laku KonsumenTeori Biaya ProduksiPasar Persaingan SempurnaPasar Persaingan Tidak SempurnaĤ4.Introducing Makro EkonomiPendapatan NasionalKeseimbangan Aggregate Dua SektorKeseimbangan Aggregate Tiga SektorKeseimbangan Aggregate Empat SektorTeori Penawaran Uang, Kurs dan MoneterNeraca Pembayaran & PerdaganganPertumbuhan & Pembangunan Ekonomiĥ5ReferenceEconomics Book 1 & 2 PA. Pengantar Perencanaan dan Pembangunan Ekonomi Daerah. Location Quotient, Base Sector, Sustainable Development, New NormalĪdisasmita, Raharjo.

This is not excessive considering that in this new normal era, the economy must continue to rise even in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic by sticking to health protocols. The leading sectors above must still be managed properly, especially local potentials while still paying attention to a sustainable environmental economy. While in the agricultural/forestry sector it is 1.17 because this district excels in financial services and is the largest city on the southwest coast of Aceh. Finally, West Aceh Regency with an LQ value of 1.59 for the financial/information services sector.

Then Aceh Jaya with an LQ of 1.81 in the construction sector and 1.55 in the transportation sector because this area is superior in terms of tourism.

This value is obtained because this district excels in mining C and oil palm plantations. Next is Nagan Raya Regency with an LQ of 2.88 in the mining/excavation sector and 1.52 in the agriculture/plantation sector. For information, this district excels in lobster cultivation. The results showed that the highest LQ value in Simeulue Regency was 2.18 for the government administration sector, then 1.51 for the agriculture, forestry and fishery sectors. Gross regional domestic product data for the 2010-2020 period is 17 sectors. The data used is secondary data sourced from the Central Statistics Agency for each district and province of Aceh. This study aims to analyze the potential of the regional superior sector in West Aceh Regency and its expansion area by using Location Quotient analysis or abbreviated as LQ towards a sustainable economy in the new normal era.